Sunday, July 17, 2011

take two...

so i love blogging, but i'm just not very good at it, lol. it always feels like something else i "have" to do, instead of something i should make time to do. i think just adding the pictures is soooo tedious, but those are what make blogs fun to look at. it is very therapeutic though. well, i erased all of my old posts, because i wanted a fresh start, and although i can guarantee that i won't write everyday, or maybe not even every week, i will try to do better this time around.

well today has been the laziest day i swear. i totally felt like bruno mars:

let's have a quick play by play of my lazy day shall we? lol
-first i laid in bed for entirely too long even though i was wide awake
-then i ran the dishwasher even though the city i live has the highest water rates in all of indiana, and even though the powdered detergent sucked and left residue on everything
-then i played my new (to me) lion king game on super nintendo (yes i am that old! lol) and it was harder than i remembered. there is no way to save either, so every time you die you have to start all the way over from the beginning! i totally looked up a cheat code. and while i was playing i drank a refreshing coca cola and made a hodge podge dip out of queso and some extra turkey lunch meat and tomatoes that didn't fit into an omelette the other day. lol. with this dip i had my favorite tortilla chips from trader joes that are like tomato something or other. it was actually pretty delish.
-then i wasted more time than i would like to admit on my two obsession websites, facebook, and pinterest

FINALLY i got productive and went to the craft room. well if you are like me, then your craft room is a hot mess. so first, before i could even start making anything, i tried to organize some stuff. awhile ago i ordered some awesome clear stamps from

well they come in basically clear empty cd cases. so after that i went to big lots and bought a crap ton of cd cases (you can't use the slim ones) and started organizing the other clear stamps i already had. it doesn't help that i keep buying stamps way too often, and therefore have to continue organizing them.

after i started that process, i found some stamps i got as a gift for christmas that i have been trying to use ever since, so as my ADD mind works, i immediately stopped with the stamp organization, and began a new project.

this is how my order of operations went:

inspiration from the (alice in wonderland) stamps:

quote from the white queen "sometimes ive believed as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast"

color scheme:

and also a cool red picture frame i have been meaning to fill with a piece of my art to sell on my etsy...

with all these tools i was off and running. i am pretty pleased with how it turned out. although you can't see all the details, here is the main idea:

this is closer up, but by scanning, some discoloration in the gel pens, etc. has occurred...

and because random should be my middle name, i also must add some other pictures that were on my camera from today.

you know your craft room is messy if you have rub ons sticking to the bottom of your foot! lol

aren't you impressed with my homemade pedicure? lol. i know it is a little ghetto but it was fun and feels very "summery" to me, so i enjoy it

ok so my mac only has 4 usb is taken up by the keyboard, one by the mouse, one by my external hard drive so i can back up stuff, and one for my camera...sometimes i need to plug up my ipod, maybe a usb to transfer stuff, a lot of times my scanner, see how this creates a problem. so when i saw the too cute usb man with 4 extra ports, i just had to have him! so far i can't tell if he is really working or not though

and also this is taking forever to upload my pics (SEE TOLD YA!) so i might just have to return later to finish up. and also how come the links won't work either? grrrr!

now since i feel like a complete bum i will go pay my water bill and head to the gym. tonight i think i'll have baby bok choy and tofu or a salad and strawberries for dessert. that should make up for my less than nutritional brunch.

first post complete...check!
